Leaving our human children at home when we go out to work usually requires careful consideration and much agonising before we come up with the best solution.
If the children are still small, they are usually placed in daycare or a creche at the workplace if one is fortunate enough to have this option. Older children are usually responsible enough to be able to take care of their own needs in your absence and can also communicate with you via cell phone if there is a problem. But do we ever consider our dogs and how they may be affected by our absence?
A recent media article raised this issue. One particular pet parent kept tabs on his dog via remote cameras and was utterly heartbroken at what he saw – so much so that he vowed never to leave his dog alone at home again. The dog in question, home alone as his parent had gone to work, was caught on camera as he forlornly picked up his parent’s trainer, jumped onto the couch with it, and then curled up next to it.
Heartsore at being left alone and missing his parent desperately, he sought comfort in what he could find of him, namely his trainer. His parent of course was devastated, as he had not realized the impact his daily absence had on his trusted furry pal. The media article sparked several responses and it is evident that many parents realized their pets were suffering without their being aware of it.
This surveillance camera catch the moment a dog took his owner shoe and sleep beside this showing how much he miss his owner meanwhile he was at work. from r/aww
Dogs are social animals and the advent of lockdown has brought parents and pets much closer together due to the enforced ‘home time’. As restrictions are lifted many people are back at work, but their canine companions remain at home. The awareness created will hopefully encourage dog parents to arrange company, whether furry or human, for their four-legged friends while they are away.
How do you handle your dog’s separation anxiety? Let us know in the comments.
Feature Image Source: Pixabay