Did you know that things you think you know about dogs may not actually be true at all? Here are 6 common dog myths.
Dog Mouths Are Cleaner Than Human Mouths
This myth first began circulating when humans saw dogs lick their wounds to clean them. But it really is just a myth. Dogs have a ton of bacteria in their mouths, including ones that our bodies may be unused to.
Dogs Only Eat Grass When Sick
Yes, some dogs eat grass when sick, and if you see your dog doing this constantly accompanied by vomiting, they should see a vet. But sometimes, dogs also just like to eat grass for fun. They may also do so when they have nutritional deficits.
Old Dogs Can’t Be Taught
That phrase about new tricks and old dogs is totally false. Older dogs are just as capable of learning new things, and training them can build their confidence and help keep their minds sharp.
Dogs Experience Guilt
We’ve all seen that “guilty” look our dogs have when they do something wrong – but it’s not really guilt. The dog is just reacting submissively to your anger and emotions, and they’re making connections between bad behavior and your reactions.
Dogs Can’t See Color
Dogs don’t have the full spectrum of color vision that humans do, but they are far from totally color blind!
They Have Bad Breath Naturally. Bad breath can be a sign of dental disease, stuck food, and other issues.
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