Here Are 7 Things Nobody Tells You About Dogs! (Part 1)

Here Are 7 Things Nobody Tells You About Dogs! (Part 1)

Some things about dog ownership are obvious and feel like given facts. Others, however, are things you’ll only find out by having dogs yourself. Here are 7 things no one tells you about dogs!

They Roll In Smelly Things

Many dogs roll around in stuff that stinks. The behavior is not fully understood, but it’s likely that they either: a) inherited this trait from ancestors who tried to hide their scent, or b) just love stink!

They Eat Messily

A dog will push their food bowl around, knock food out, and make a mess during mealtimes!

They Pee On Everything

Dogs use their bathroom movements as a form of communication, and they gather information by sniffing the urine of other dogs.

They Eat Their Own Vomit

It sounds gross, but dogs often eat their own thrown-up material because it’s not gross to them. Many dog mothers actually chew up and spit out food so their puppies can eat more easily!

They Poop A Lot On Walks

No matter what, a dog is sure to poop while they’re out on a walk!

They Can Go Nuts After A Bath

Dogs often get the zoomies after baths due to the excess energy they’ve built up from staying still in there – whether due to nervousness or excitement!

They Like Routine

Dogs are happier when they have a fixed daily routine. A lack of one, or disrupting one, can make them grumpy or anxious.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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