Here's How To Find The Right Trimmer To Trim Your Dog's Toenails

Here's How To Find The Right Trimmer To Trim Your Dog's Toenails

In our last article, we talked about the importance of trimming your dog’s nails. Now that you know that, you probably want to try clipping your dog’s toenails – but you need the right clipper for that! Here’s how to find the right trimmer.

Guillotine Style Trimmers

These types of trimmers are ideal for smaller dogs. The end of these trimmers have a small metal hoop that you place a dog’s nail through. Then, you close the handles to bring a metal blade sliding through the hoop, therefore cutting the nail within.

Typically, the squeeze-style of the handles of these trimmers make them easier to use for many people. However, you do have to change the blades regularly to make sure they stay sharp.

Millers Forge Trimmers

These types of trimmers resemble scissors, but instead of being flat, their blades have semicircular indentations in them where a dog’s nails go through. They form a circle to slip your dog’s claw into, then you close the handles to cut off the bit between the blades.

Do Not Use Human Trimmers

The nail clippers that we humans use are designed for our flat nails. As such, if you use this on your dogs, you’ll be compressing their thicker nails, leading to a poor cut and a lot of pain for your dog. Stick to specialized doggy trimmers only!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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