Ticks are parasites that many dog owners worry about. If you find a tick on your dog, here’s how to remove it.
You will need:
- Latex gloves
- Tweezers or similar tick removal devices
- Rubbing alcohol
- Antiseptic wipes or sprays
- Reusable airtight container or bag
- Put on your gloves to prevent risk of any disease transmission.
- Pull your dog’s skin tight around the tick. Get the tweezers or tool and grab the tick, doing so as close to the skin as you can.
- Close the tweezers with gentle pressure and pull outwards and upwards, straight and quick. Do not twist the tick while pulling it and do not grab too hard.
- Put the tick in the bag or container. Avoid touching it with your skin.
- Clean the bite area with antiseptic wipes or spray.
- Pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto the tick to kill it. Keep the tick for at least a month so it is available for testing if needed.
After Removal
After removing the tick, monitor the spot of the bite for around a month. Initial redness is normal, but should slowly fade in a few days. Scabbing is also normal and not a cause for concern.
Symptoms you should worry about are:
- Rashes
- Swelling
- Loss of appetite
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Lack of activity
- Lethargy
- Fever
- Odd behavior of any kind
If you notice these symptoms, take your dog and the tick to a vet ASAP!
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