Here's What You Should Do If Your Dog Gets Bit By A Spider

Here's What You Should Do If Your Dog Gets Bit By A Spider

If your dog has been bitten by a spider, remain calm! Most spider bites don’t require extensive treatment.

Here’s what you can do:

Potato Poultice

Peel a potato and grate it, then put the grated bits in some thin cloth. Wrap them up securely using a rubber band. Now place the poultice over the area of the bite. Once the potato is dry, clean the bite off, then repeat as necessary.

Aloe Vera

Find some dog-friend aloe vera products, like an ointment or mist. Apply it onto the bite to reduce itching, inflammation, and irritation, and to help liven the skin up again.


Take the area of the bite and wash t with clean water mixed with dog shampoo or soap. Then, apply a cold compress to the location. Continue to do this every day.

Vet Visit

For severe bites or ones that won’t go away, take your dog to a vet. Venom and other components may have been injected into your dog through the bite.

Baking Soda

Mix water with baking soda to make a paste, then apply it onto the location of the bite. You can do this multiple times in a day for best results. A good ratio is 3:1 for baking soda to water.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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