Here's What You Should Do If Your Dog Is In Pain

Here's What You Should Do If Your Dog Is In Pain

It can be very difficult to see your dog in pain. All you want to do is make that pain go away, and that can make you feel tempted to reach for human medications.

But a dog’s body and digestive system are immensely different from a human’s, so this will likely do more harm than good and the risk of overdose is great because of how small dogs are and how dehydrated ill dogs often are. This is even more risky if your dog is taking other medications or has an underlying medical condition already. You shouldn’t give your dog:


Also known as Motrin, Advil, and Nuprin, Ibuprofen reduces blood flow to the kidneys and stomach. For humans, this is a mild side effect, but for dogs, this can lead to severe gastrointestinal problems, stomach ruptures, and even death.


This common headache medicine was once administered to dogs, and it is safer for the than Ibuprofen – but it is still not safe. It can still lead to stomach issues, ruptures, and internal bleeding or irritation.


Also known as Acetaminophen, this drug will not only be very ineffective but will also likely lead to damage of the red blood cells or liver.

Human medication is a no-go for dogs. If your dog is in pain, speak to a vet about safe medication options for them.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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