Here's Why You Should Always Pick Up Your Dog's Poop, No Matter Where You Are

Here's Why You Should Always Pick Up Your Dog's Poop, No Matter Where You Are

It’s widely considered common courtesy to clean up after your dog when they go to the bathroom outside. But it’s not just basic manners – it’s crucial for many other factors.

Here are 6 reasons to pick up your dog’s poop:

1. It’s a Pollutant

The EPA actually considers dog waste a pollutant because its contents will get into water, soil, and plants, causes illness and algae overgrowth.

2. It Passes Parasites On To Dogs

A whole host of pathogens and parasites can live in dog poop. Other dogs who come into contact with this waste can contract a huge range of different parasites.

3. Sanitation

No one wants to live in a dirty community, and your neighbors aren’t going to take too kindly to the dirtying of their streets.

4. It Passes Pathogens On To Humans

Dog poop that goes uncleaned isn’t just harmful to other dogs – it’s bad for humans, too. There is a huge amount of potential pathogens that a human can catch from pup waste.

5. It’s Not A Fertilizer

Contrary to popular belief, dog waste does not “fertilize” the ground. It damages grass due to high acidity.

6. It Attracts Pests

All sorts of bugs are attracted to dog poop, and it doesn’t take much for an infestation to take hold.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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