Hero Dog Helps Find 11-Year-Old Girl With Autism

Hero Dog Helps Find 11-Year-Old Girl With Autism

Luna, a black Labrador Retriever from Maine, works as a service dog. She is part of Maine Warden Service K9, along with her dad, Warden Michael Latti.

All K9s must complete a 14-week training before being certified by the Maine Criminal Justice Academy. And that’s not the end of it. After being certified, they must keep passing tests to keep their certification. In their training, dogs learn to detect evidence and track and find humans who might be lost.

Just a few days ago, the pair became heroes when they found an 11-year-old autistic girl who had run away from home in the town of Gorham. The girl had disappeared on August 28, 2021, and her family immediately contacted the police when they were unable to find her.

The Gorham Police Department, the Maine Warden Service, and Cumberland County Sherriff’s Office were involved in the search. Ultimately, it was Luna and her senses that got the job done. Luna found the girl’s scent about 10 minutes after the pair started their search. She managed to lead Latti to the girl who was wandering in the woods in the vicinity of her home.

The girl had no severe injuries, only minor scratches, thus she didn’t require any medical attention. Because of that, she could immediately be reunited with her family. This was a fortunate case in which the story had a happy ending. This is why we need dogs like Luna. Her strong nose can do things no human could ever imagine. Her ability to find lost people could make the difference between someone getting hurt or returning home safely.

Image Source: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife / Facebook

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