Hiker Finds Dog Giving Birth In The Middle Of Nowhere, Decides To Rescue Them All!

Hiker Finds Dog Giving Birth In The Middle Of Nowhere, Decides To Rescue Them All!

The story of rescued pitbull, Ruby, is one that has really captured people’s hearts. Thom McCallum and friends were out hiking one day when they were surprised by a piteous sound. Upon further inspection, they found a beautiful pitbull mom with her three puppies.

Poor mom was very timid and seemed exhausted. It was however clear that she was a good mother, as the pups seemed to be flourishing. Filled with compassion at the sight, Thom felt unable to abandon her and decided he would take care of her. He took them home, named her Ruby, and proceeded to win her trust by showering her with love and affection.

Ruby started responding by wagging her tail tentatively. As the pups, being small, still valued their sleep above anything else, Thom used this time for one-on-one interaction with Ruby and would encourage her to play games. The first sign of real trust and acceptance of Thom, came when she playfully put her paw over his arm. After a week or so, the pups discovered their legs and became incredibly playful.

Thom was eventually able to take them on outings in a pram with Ruby trotting faithfully at his side. The pups and Ruby continued to thrive and eventually, all three pups were adopted. Jac and Kirby found loving homes a distance away but the best news of all, little Tito was adopted by Thom’s neighbor and literally became the boy next door.

Thom and his neighbor built an access gate so that Ruby and her son can now visit to their hearts’ content!

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