Hilarious English Bulldog Gets Stuck In a Tight Spot Trying to Climb Couch!

Hilarious English Bulldog Gets Stuck In a Tight Spot Trying to Climb Couch!

What’s with dogs and their love towards couches? The beds they have are as comfortable as couches, and maybe even more!

But the thing is, dogs don’t really care about couches do they? They care about us! That’s why they just love to lay down with us on the couch. But, rules are rules and they should occasionally sleep in their beds as well!

This bulldog got stuck in a tight spot trying to climb the couch, and his human caught the hilarious moment on camera! Or maybe this bulldog is just brilliant at playing the guilt card. His humans felt so bad for him with his stuck smooshy face that they not only allowed him up on the couch, but they picked him up and put him up there! Free ride! Not a bad deal.

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Watch the video below to see the silly bulldog!

Source: Bulldog finds himself in a tight spot trying to climb couch by debgak on Rumble

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