It's The Simple Things: Labrador Enjoys The Wind In His Face!

It's The Simple Things: Labrador Enjoys The Wind In His Face!

Life isn’t about how much money you have, the stuff you accumulate, or how impressive your job is. Life is about the simple things. A beautiful day, a good dog by your side, and for at least one dog, the wind between your teeth.

This beautiful chocolate Labrador Retriever is going for a car ride and doesn’t miss the opportunity to get a little fresh air. Almost immediately, this fur kid’s head is hanging out the window and you can see what looks like an intentional tilt so the air will push his lips back and he can feel the wind between his teeth!

This chocolate Labrador Retriever simply enjoys the wind in his face! Like we said, it’s the simple things.

Watch Video Here: Labrador Enjoys The Wind In His Face!

Watch the video below to see the silly Labrador!

Feature Image Source: sntvids

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