How a Missing Girl Was Found Napping With Her Dogs

How a Missing Girl Was Found Napping With Her Dogs

A little girl named Annabell belongs to a big happy family that comprises of mum, dad, and 3 dogs that she adores.

Zaya, Neném, and Tataia are like sisters to Annabelle. Lawria Melo, Annabell’s mom says:

‘’They always have been best friends… Every morning she kisses each one. She loves them as if they were her sisters!”

Annabelle and her sisters spend hours playing together, filling the house with laughter.

One day, however, there was a deafening silence that got Melo and her husband a little concerned.

Upon investigating, they were enchanted to find Annabelle fast asleep alongside the dogs. It was natural for Annabelle not only to join the pups in play but also go to sleep when they did. She did not want to be parted from them.

Annabelle’s parents are charmed when they observe the love and affection that exists among the 4 four friends and provided Annabelle willingly submits to an extra bath when necessary all is good.

Images & Feature Image Source: Lawria Melo

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