When we welcome a new dog into our home, we automatically assume that he will become part of the family and, at the very least, will like us.
This is however not always apparent at first. Some dogs take a long time to adjust before they relax enough to show true affection. Puppies are most likely to adjust quickly as they are still developing and will grow into the family, learning to love and display love as they develop. An older dog may have a bit more baggage to carry around with him from past experiences.
It is crucial that your dog feels he can trust you because it is only when this happens that he will be able to relax and forge a bond with you. There are various ways to teach him to trust and to strengthen your relationship with him, such as the following:
- Make your dog feel safe around you, if he’s fearful, speak quietly to him with words of encouragement,
- Don’t rush things. If you’re in a hurry, force yourself to slow down and be patient with him. It takes time to learn new things and everything will be new to him,
- Allow him the freedom to do things at his own pace. Give him his space,
- Feed him by hand initially if possible. Dogs have a strong relationship with food, and he will associate your presence with something he enjoys,
- Spend time with your new canine companions. Do pleasurable things like going for walks and playing with toys.
All these things will teach him to trust you and enjoy your company!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay