A lot of studies have shown that dogs can read your emotions, especially when you are sad. Based on studies from the Animal Cognition Journal, it has been discovered that dogs are more likely to approach you if you were crying than if you were laughing.
A dog parent said that his dogs come to him for comfort whenever they detect his crying, but when it is over, they jump back to their wrestlemania, and to chasing squirrels in the yard.
It is not clear if dogs can feel empathy for human emotion or if they simply read our body language. But surely, they can tell the difference. Dogs usually have similar emotions to humans. Even though theirs are not as complex as humans, they too share hormones and experience the same chemical reactions as humans do when emotional.
Tam Rocket, a dog parent, said his pup wouldn’t leave his bedside whenever he is sick. This is peculiar if you take into consideration that his dog is a curious one and would normally rush to inspect every crack and noise he hears, just to make sure the coast is clear and everyone is fine.
Most dog parents don’t really care about what the studies are showing or what new discovery is made on the subject. The only important thing to them is the joy of having their dogs comfort them when they are down.