How to Distract Your Dog from the Dreaded Cone?

How to Distract Your Dog from the Dreaded Cone?

If there’s one thing all dogs can agree on, it’s their discomfort when they have to wear a cone around their neck. But of course, we know it’s for their own good. So how can you help your pup keep her mind off the cone?

Lenore Corazza-Harrison from the Lake Austin Blvd. Animal Hospital explains that dogs usually have to wear a cone after they have had a surgery, an open wound or if the vet wants to keep them calm. The cone prevents your dog from irritating an injury or stitches by licking or gnawing at it, which could hamper the healing process and even make the wound much worse.

But a downside to the cone is that it can negatively affect your dog’s mood. Some animals can become very nervous, especially with an opaque cone that doesn’t allow them to see their surroundings clearly. What’s more, a cone can significantly limit your dogs movement, making even eating difficult in some cases.

So what can you do to help?

If your dog is struggling to eat, you can help out by getting a smaller bowl or even hand feeding if necessary. This will ensure your dog stays fed, which will keep her healthy and happy.

Make sure she feels secure, too, by giving her lots of love and extra cuddles and talking to her in a comforting, positive tone. This will help to keep her calm and lessen the anxiety she might be feeling.

Finally, a distraction can be surprisingly effective. Of course, avoid anything that might exacerbate her injury, but a favorite cuddly toy or something to chew on can keep her focused on something other than the cone.

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