How To Stop Your Dog From Chewing Things Around Your Home

How To Stop Your Dog From Chewing Things Around Your Home

Dogs do almost everything with their mouth. They eat, drink, and even play with their mouths. However, that doesn’t mean you should allow them to put everything in their mouth. It is up to you to teach your dog the right things they can chew on.

Since dogs have nothing to do for most of the day, they may be tempted to play with whatever object they see on the floor. If you get down on your knees and pretend you were a dog for a second, you would probably see some objects you left on the floor. The best way to stop your dog from chewing things on the floor is to remove all objects from the floor and put them where they belong or outside your dog’s reach.

Dogs need things to chew on, and you shouldn’t deny them the satisfaction they derive from doing that. After taking away things you don’t want them to chew on, you need to get them toys to chew on. You should be able to get different chew toys at your local pet store.

Remember, it is natural for dogs to chew and explore things around them with their mouth. So, if you see your dog chewing your favorite slippers, don’t yell or chase them. Instead, retrieve the slippers, put them somewhere out of their reach, and give them a chew toy.

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