Your pup is your pride and joy. You spend every waking hour with her, delighting in her antics, and you want to capture some of them on camera.
But it is almost impossible to take a good selfie with her. Not only does she resist attempts to make her sit still, but she won’t even look at the camera. You will be pleased to know that there is a solution available in the form of products that have been specially designed to make taking a dog selfie easier.
These are items that you can attach to your phone to draw the attention of your pup such as:
A clip-on Tennis ball
Attaching a tennis ball to your phone may sound a little crazy, but it achieves the goal of getting your pup to focus, and the end justifies the means.
Use a Hands-Free Bribe
This is a genius tool that has a doggie biscuit attached. When fixed to your phone, it is the perfect way to get your pup to focus. You won’t need to do the balancing act of holding out the treat with one hand as you take the picture with the other one.
Make Use of the Treat Launcher
After you have successfully taken the selfie, reward your pup by using the attachment to launch her reward.
The above will guarantee fun-filled photo-shoots with your dog!