Injured K9 Gets Hero's Salute As He Leaves For Home From The Hospital!

Injured K9 Gets Hero's Salute As He Leaves For Home From The Hospital!

In today’s current climate, the police force is constantly on high alert and under increased scrutiny throughout the United States. Now, with increased danger and backlash, there are a select few that truly make the cut to be in the police force.

But, with all that’s being said about this line of work, and the commitment that must be made to this profession, it takes sacrifices from all parties. In this case, K9 officer Arlo got the recognition he deserved after his time with Thurston County Sheriff’s Office in Washington.

Arlo was known as a faithful protector to his partner, and a keeper of the peace for the whole community. He was constantly involved with countless cases and even came close to paying the ultimate sacrifice. Earlier in the month, Arlo had been wounded during a run-in with an armed suspect, but luckily, came out alive.

With the proper medical care and successful surgeries, it was decided that Arlo should enter into a much-deserved retirement, and was then honored with the sweetest send-off. All members of the police force lined the doorway to salute Arlo as he left the hospital in style.

After a few weeks of being at home, Arlo is still recovering, but in the comfort of his cozy home. Since leaving the hospital, countless officers and community members still pay Arlo a visit and send him all sorts of treats and toys in order to thank him for all he’s done.

Images & Feature Image Source: Thurston County Sheriff’s Office

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