Is It Okay To Feed My Dog Cantaloupe?

Is It Okay To Feed My Dog Cantaloupe?

Cantaloupes are refreshing and nutritious fruits for humans, but can dogs stomach them? What if your dog already ate some? Is he/she in danger?

No worries, cantaloupes are full of vitamins and nutrients that will benefit your dog in numerous ways. Just don’t feed them cantaloupe on the rind and they’ll be A-okay! Here are some more details:

Benefits of Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is rich in fiber, minerals, and Vitamins B6, A, and C.

Fiber supports your dog’s digestive system, while Vitamins A and C possess antioxidant properties which slow down aging and promote the function of healthy cells.

Cantaloupes are also low in calories and full of water and all their minerals which keeps your dogs hydrated and regulates weight gain.

How To Feed Your Dog Cantaloupe

Once you get the green light from your vet regarding feeding your dog cantaloupe, the first thing you should do is remove the rind. Not only is it a choking hazard, but it can disrupt your dog’s digestive system.

You may feed your dog small pieces from your fruit salad or freeze a few for hot summer days. You may also dehydrate the cantaloupe where possible and feed it to your dog as a treat. Just remember that dehydration removes water and concentrates other components such as sugar, so don’t overdo it.

Do not overfeed your dog cantaloupe because this can lead to diarrhea.

How does your dog like his/her cantaloupe? Does he/she like it fresh, or prefers it frozen?

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