If you have a dog, you have probably asked yourself this question. The answer may not be as simple as you would think. It all depends on the contents.
Some professionals claim that tiny portions of wheat or plain white bread wouldn’t cause any harm to your loved one unless your dog is allergic to wheat. However, it is very important to consider not overdoing consuming foods high in calories and low in nutrients.
Always try to make sure and check all the ingredients, as you should never give your pup anything that contains xylitol, raisins, garlic, or even nuts. All of these could be potentially toxic to your dog. Pancreatitis, diarrhea, and renal failure are just some of the dangers connected to these ingredients.
Bread: What are the positives for your dog?
Some types of bread could be beneficial to your pup’s diet, especially whole-wheat bread. Before giving anything new to your dog, you should always consult with a vet. They could recommend some better alternatives. Many dog parents give bread to their dogs to appease troubling stomachs, but vets recommend that using white rice is the better option.
Never give raw bread to your dog.
Yes, read that again. Do not give raw bread to your dog. If your dog digests raw bread, the warmth of its belly would cause the dough to rise and make the gut bloat and extend. Also, the bread’s yeast can release ethanol, and get your dog drunk. So if you notice your dog showing symptoms like depression, seizure, hypothermia, or unbalanced walking, you should rush to the vet at once.