Is It Okay To Let My Dog Wear Costumes?

Is It Okay To Let My Dog Wear Costumes?

As the holiday season goes on full swing, you sense the excitement, especially among dog parents, who see this as a time for dressing up their beloved pet in his or her most adorable costume.

Before going full-on shopping for cute get-ups, consider first if your dog enjoys the experience as much as you do. It’s easy to get carried away especially when you’ve discovered a wonderful matching set for the entire family. Although some dogs enjoy the activity and the added attention, others are averse to it.

So, know their tolerance level first, and never insist that he or she go along even if they aren’t exactly ecstatic about it. Here are telltale signs that say they’re unhappy with it:

  • Constant shedding of the attire, chewing, or pawing at it means they want it off. When the costume makes them uncomfortable while walking, take it off.
  • Some pets remain on the ground when they fall over because they dislike the fabric rubbing against their skin.
  • Also, pay attention to your pet’s body language. If they’re exhibiting fear, stress, anxiety, or if you observe them air licking or yawning, these are signs they’re not up to it.
  • Pinned back ears, furrowed brows, panting, or widened eyes are also indicative of aversion.

When you notice these, it’s time to take the costume off, and if you aren’t sure they’re as excited as you are, prioritize their comfort, and settle for some cuddling instead.

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