Is My Dog Overweight?

Is My Dog Overweight?

As dog parents, you might be tempted to share your meals with your baby. Or give them treats whenever they ask for them. And chubbier puppies look adorable. But many people struggle with being overweight, and this condition can cause a lot of health issues.

The best way to check if your dog is overweight or not is by using the body condition score, or BCS. This is similar to the BMI in humans, in the sense that it’s not perfect but it helps you understand if you should be concerned about your dog’s name. One step on this scale is feeling your dog’s ribs. If you can’t feel them, chances are his weight is higher than it should be.

The main reason why dogs gain weight is that they don’t have a calorie balance. As a rule of thumb, your dog needs to burn as many calories as they eat. Other causes are diseases, like diabetes, certain medication, pregnancy, and so on. Any sudden changes in weight should be discussed with a veterinarian.

Being overweight as a dog can lead to arthritis, diabetes, kidney and liver issues, breathing problems, high blood pressure, and heart issues. If you want to avoid these complications, work on a weight-loss plan that fits the needs of your dog.

If the dog is overweight because of a medical condition, you need to treat the root cause. If the cause isn’t medical, that means your dog needs a better diet and more exercise. Weight-loss plans can be discussed with veterinarians. Don’t expect miracles to happen overnight. It will be a long process, but the end goal will be worth it.

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