Watermelon is great for us in so many ways. Is the same true for dogs? Remember, not all human-safe food is okay for dogs.
Yes, but don’t overdo it. Watermelon should be enjoyed by dogs in moderation. Start with small amounts to see how much your dog can manage. Every dog is different, so we can’t give you an exact serving size for your dog.
When feeding your dog watermelons, make sure it’s seed-free. One or two is fine, but too many can cause stomach problems. The rind is also hard to digest, so only give your dog the red part. Where possible, only give your dog seedless watermelons. Think of it as feeding watermelon to a toddler.
Feeding your dog watermelon
One way to feed your dog watermelon is to chop up a few pieces and place them in his/her feeding bowl. Here are some other ways you can go about feeding your dog watermelon safely:
- Frozen- Cut the watermelon into chunks like you normally would and pop them in the freezer. Pop them out on a hot summer day as a treat, sort of like organic popsicles.
- Pureed- Try making a watermelon puree. You can serve it as-is, or pour it into ice cube trays. Once frozen, they’ll become tasty ice pops.
- Ice cream- If you have other fruits, like blueberries, pineapples, or bananas, you can puree them with watermelon, and perhaps mix them with yogurt. You can also store it in the freezer to pop out on a hot day.