It Was Time For This Beagle Pup's Meal. How He Tells His Parents That He's Hungry? Aww!

It Was Time For This Beagle Pup's Meal. How He Tells His Parents That He's Hungry? Aww!

Have you ever seen a little baby beagle pup? They’re extremely cute, and they’ve got pretty loud voices for their size! One such fur ball is this 3-week-old one here.

His mother didn’t have enough milk for him and his litter, so mommy and daddy had to bottle feed them all! Noticing the need for competition, this pup begins making himself heard in the most adorable way possible. As the smallest of the litter, this fur ball has such a strong spirit!

He whines and howls in a cute, squeaky voice, demanding to be fed instantly. You can tell he’ll grow up to be a spunky and determined fur ball! Just listen to him go! How could anyone say no to that little voice and sweet face? There’s a bright future ahead for this pup. Check him out here! Don’t forget to like and share if you enjoyed it.

Feature Image Source: Nez

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