Kitchen Gate Can’t Keep Bulldog Puppy Away From Food!

Kitchen Gate Can’t Keep Bulldog Puppy Away From Food!

This funny little bulldog pup takes determination to a whole new level! Not even a secure kitchen gate can keep this cute bulldog puppy away from food!

Most dogs’ primary motivation can be summed up with four letters – F O O D. They just love the nice aroma, tasty smell and wonderful taste of munchies so when this cute little puppy spotted some food on the other side of the gate, he just knew he had to find a way to break through and sink his teeth in!

After some adorable barks, squirming, and pawing, this bully finally finds a way to break out and get that food!

Wait until you see what he does on page 2 below!

Page 2 Here

Watch the video below to see the silly English bulldog puppy!

Source: Kitchen gate not enough to keep out hungry Bulldog by PORKCHOPschannel on Rumble

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