Labrador Puppy Eager To Swim In The Pond!

Labrador Puppy Eager To Swim In The Pond!

This adorable 10 week old yellow lab puppy is letting her love for water show at a very tender age!

She is so eager to swim in the pond she’s discovered! She doesn’t know why or how, all she knows is she has to find a way to get into that water!

She starts by testing the water a bit with her paws (the puppy equivalent of dipping a toe in) and once she decides it’s okay, she gets right in and even does some swimming!

She seems like such a happy puppy, not to mention adorable!

Continue on to page 2 below to see the adorable video!

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Watch the video below to see the Lab puppy eager to swim in the pond!

Feature Image Source: Szabolcs Csaki

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