Lila, The Adorable German Shepherd Does This Every Time She Enters Her House!

Lila, The Adorable German Shepherd Does This Every Time She Enters Her House!

Introducing Lila, an adorable German shepherd pup who knows the importance of wiping her paws before entering her house! Now those are some manners!

According to the original uploader on YouTube, “Lila, A cute and adorable year old German Shepherd and Black lab wipes her feet after being outside in the wet grass.” Check out this amazing video on page 2 below!

Page 2 Here!

Take a look at this cutie pie wiping her paws before entering her house like a little princess! This little girl knows that you should always wipe your paws to keep the dirt away! Don’t forget to like and share this post with your friends!

Feature Image Source: William Bradley

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