Little Girl Tucks Pit Bull In Her Bed After A Scary Earthquake Strikes

Little Girl Tucks Pit Bull In Her Bed After A Scary Earthquake Strikes

Fury the pit bull pup might be a whopping 100 pounds in weight, but his size and name are deceiving – he’s a total gentle giant.

Fury’s human little sister, Adalynn Leary, has always taken comfort in his presence. But recently, due to earthquake aftershocks, she’s been needing him more than ever – and he has always delivered.

After a strong earthquake struck in Alaska in November, more than 5,000 aftershocks have rocked the family home. Adalynn has experienced severe anxiety as a result and often been unable to sleep.

So, every night, when her frightened thoughts keep her up, she has Fury with her to keep her safe and happy. She’d snuggle with him on the floor at first, then one night she decided to take it a step further. She pulled back her bed covers and let the pup climb in!

Despite being shaken and nervous, she gently tucked the pup in under the blankets and made sure he was feeling nice and comfortable before lying down to go to sleep. A video of the adorable moment was caught on the parental camera installed in Adalynn’s room.

The family decided to share the footage online, and it wasn’t long before it had gone viral. People all over the world were touched by the tenderness that Adalynn and Fury have for each other.

More still were thrilled to see a video that fights the existing unfair stigma against pit bulls. Fury’s love and gentleness towards his sister is truly beautiful, and these two will be there for each other for years to come. “If you raise them with love, they only show love.”

Images & Feature Image Source: Kyle Leary

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