Lost Dog In Missouri Reunites With Mom After A Year

Lost Dog In Missouri Reunites With Mom After A Year

After missing for a year, a three-year-old golden retriever from New Hampshire named, Walter, reunited with his parent aptly in time for the joyous season.

It was when Kate Olson, Walter’s mom, and him visited their Missouri family on thanksgiving when Walter ran off, prompting his mom to distribute flyers of her lost pet, create a Facebook page entitled, ‘Where’s Walter?’ and solicit the help of several rescue organizations in order to locate her beloved dog.

During these critical times, Olson decided to remain in St. Louis, Missouri for several weeks, searching and hoping to hear news about her missing pet. Even after she has gone back to New Hampshire, Olson had also flown on many occasions in her continued search for Walter, spending approximately a thousand dollars for her travels and flyer distribution.

Last November 13, Olson’s efforts paid off and she received feedback from Lost Paws Trapping in Belleville, Illinois, saying that they recovered a lost golden retriever, believed to be Walter, in an industrial park in Arnold.

Olson immediately booked a flight to St. Louis and was able to reunite with her beloved dog on that night.

“The nightmare is over,” Olson said, citing that those who had helped in the search are her heroes.

Prior to Walter’s return, K-9 Grooming of Oakville, Missouri, had volunteered to provide him two complimentary baths and treatments. Olson said that Walter remain unchanged, if not sweeter because of their separation.

Feature Image Source: KSDK

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