9/11 was an event that shook and forever changed America. To help those caught in the crossfire, numerous heroes emerged in the form of first responders, good Samaritans, and even furry friends.
Among the 300 dogs who came to help, there was also one stuck in the North Tower. Roselle the yellow Labrador, a guide dog for Dad Michael Hingson, was under his desk and resting when disaster struck.
In the terrifying chaos, as colleagues said tearful goodbyes, jet fuel caused the steel in the floor above them to melt, and people panicked, Roselle remained calm. She focused entirely on Hingson, ignoring the chaos around her. Realizing that Hingson could help, he called to everyone and said Roselle would guide them. Some laughed, but their spirits lifted slightly.
Roselle led the group down through the stairwells. After more than an hour, they finally arrived in the lobby – and then police were shouting that the building was collapsing. Hingson scoped up Roselle and, as metal screeched, glass broke and screams echoed, he ran for his life.
Roselle continued to live a happy life after being an amazing hero. She retired in 2007 and she passed away in 2011, and Hingson now works for Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Images & Feature Image Source: Roselle the 9/11 Guide Dog