Mom Tells Her Pup To Come Inside, But Sneaky Dog Says No!

Mom Tells Her Pup To Come Inside, But Sneaky Dog Says No!

For many dogs, snow is their favorite part of the winter months. Huskies especially love this kind of weather, and during these colder months, enjoy spending all their time outside.

A Siberian husky named Malakai got all he could ever want when his home got hit with a huge snowfall. With the fresh powder on the ground and dropping temperatures, Malakai spent the day outside playing around in his favorite weather. His mom, who was worried about the dropping temperatures, called him countless times to come inside, but he didn’t listen. Melissa stood at the door and tried calling him inside a few more times, but all the sudden, Malakai shook his head no.

He started howling and running back and forth around the yard, making Melissa laugh. She ran to get her phone and took a video of Malakai shaking his head no, which after being posted, went viral very quickly. She said that he had a strong personality and that he let her know he was grown and could do what he wanted. She finally managed to get him inside, but still has troublesome days. He loves to play in the snow, and spend his time outside in the cold weather.

Melissa says that when he isn’t playing out in the snow, he is sitting in front of the door, waiting to go out, simply staring at the yard. Luckily, with the winter months still in full swing, Malakai gets to spend much of his time outside. Mellisa usually lets him spend a lot of time out there, but still gets worried that it’s too cold. All she needs to do to find this out is to call him, and he will shake his head no!

Image Source: TikTok/Melisa903

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