So, a long time ago, I was staying near a neighbor who had a dog, who had a habit of hurting himself on purpose. At that time, I couldn’t understand what was happening to the dog. Aren’t dogs happy-go-lucky creatures?
We perceive dogs as happy go lucky creatures who’re busy chasing balls and butterflies, wagging their tails whenever they see treats and their favorite humans and innocently barking when they see squirrels… but honestly speaking, that’s not always the case. Much like humans, dogs too, suffer from mental illness which can be caused by trauma, abandonment or abuse. You might find it hard to believe but some dongs actually use self-harm as a coping mechanism. Scary, isn’t it?
My neighbor’s dog probably suffered from mental illness and that is probably the reason why he was biting his own tail repeatedly. He was a loved dog, well cared for and had everything he could possibly want, but he just couldn’t stop the past from haunting his present. According to Dr. Michelle Posage, not all dogs who self-harm suffer from trauma, others may be suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Yes, dogs suffer from OCD too.
Having said that, if your dog exhibits behaviors of self-harm, please visit your vet and have him checked out. Sometimes, self-harm could be the result of an allergy or an infection that requires medical attention. As a responsible dog parent, keep an eye out for triggers that force your dog to self-harm and discuss them with your vet. It’s difficult to see your dog inflicting pain on themselves, but with care and support, you’ll be able to restore your dog’s health and happiness.
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