Have you seen that meme about how others see my dog versus how I see my dog? It’s hilarious but also true. Max may be a gentle, harmless companion to you but not very much so to strangers.
So, it’s not surprising that he may bite someone one day. What do you do then? Well, the first thing you need to understand is that your dog biting someone is not an indication that they have gone rogue. Their mouth is an integral part of how they function, so it’s possible that the bite wasn’t intended. They were being playful.
It’s also possible that they were confused or scared, and their defensive mechanism kicked in. Still, that does not change the fact that they bit someone, and some action needs to be taken. The first thing you need to do is what any hooman would do. Take responsibility. Depending on how severe the bite is, the victim might need immediate medical attention.
Ensure they get it and be prepared to cater for the expenses if necessary. You can contact your insurance provider to establish whether they have a cover for such a scenario. Also, make sure you have your dog’s proof of vaccination. It will put the victim’s heart at rest, knowing they are not at risk of contracting any disease. And, your dog doesn’t have to be taken from you for further testing.
The next important thing to do is file a police report. It shows that you have nothing to hide and gives you cover in case the victim exaggerates the incident. Don’t try and conceal your real identity as it will make culpable. Now, back to your dog. You need to look into managing his behavior. How you treat your dog after a biting incident may be the key to preventing future occurrences. So long as it doesn’t mean aggressively punishing them.
You can start by preventing the recreation of the events that triggered the bite. If it is beyond your depth, consider bringing in a certified trainer to help you understand how to deal and prevent such situations in the future.
Feature Image Source: Pixabay