My Dog Has Bad Breath. What Does That Mean?

My Dog Has Bad Breath. What Does That Mean?

Like humans, dogs can develop periodontal disease which leads to bad breath or halitosis. This generally happens when their teeth aren’t cleaned and plaque begins to build up.

In other cases, it can be a result of diseases like cancer or diabetes, gastrointestinal problem, sinusitis, and even trauma to the mouth. Some dogs are more prone to halitosis than others because their teeth are closer together than other breeds, for example, small dogs, and brachycephalic (short-headed) breeds.

To determine the cause of the bad breath, you’ll have to visit your vet for a checkup. He/she will give your dog a proper cleaning and diagnose the cause of the halitosis. If your dog’s bad breath goes undiagnosed, you run the risk of exposing your furry friend to bad bacteria which could lead to serious health problems such as organ failure.

Pay close attention to what your dog eats because things like garbage or poop can create a really bad odor. Strays and wild dogs don’t usually have these problems because they chew on bones, plants, and fur that help to clean and strengthen their teeth. Kibbles play this role for domestic dogs, while canned food has the opposite effect. Some doggie toys even clean the teeth while they are being chewed.

You should also try brushing your dog’s teeth with dog toothpaste (NOT HUMAN TOOTHPASTE) about three times a week. Use a small rag to wipe his teeth first, then transition to applying the toothpaste with your finger. This might be more difficult with older dogs, but in time your dog might come to enjoy it.

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