New Study Reveals Most Dog Parents Don't Wash Their Dog's Food Bowl Enough

New Study Reveals Most Dog Parents Don't Wash Their Dog's Food Bowl Enough

Every responsible dog parent strives to give their pup the most healthy and comfortable life possible. Perhaps that is why a new study published in PLOS ONE has surprised many people.

The study looked at how frequently dog parents washed their dog’s food bowls and compared it with the FDA’s recommendation.

Out of the 417 dog parents who participated in the study, only 12% washed their dog’s food bowl daily. 22% followed a weekly schedule, while 18% either washed it every three months or never washed it.

The FDA recommends that dog parents wash their dog’s food bowls and scooping utensils with soap and hot water after each use. According to the study, most dog parents weren’t aware of that recommendation or simply did not follow it.

“Pet owners should know that pet food bowls can harbour bacteria and that recommendations exist for minimizing that risk.” Emily Luisana, a researcher for the North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and the lead author of the study, said in a press release.

The consequences of not following those recommendations could be dire for dogs and their parents. “Exposure to contaminated dog food can have implications for canine and human health. For example, there have been multiple outbreaks of both humans and dogs becoming ill after exposure to dog food contaminated with pathogenic bacteria,” the study said.

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