Polo the Labrador is just 46 days old, but he’s already up and about investigating his new house! Look at his curiosity when he sees the pink pole!
Polo is a curious Labrador and you’ll see that in the video on the next page! He tries to hide from the pink pole and pretends to be invisible. Then he goes to his person to get some love and he’s out again playing all by himself! This is amazing!
The best part is that the person is right there, and that the fur kid is not all alone in the backyard. Reminds me, never leave your fur kids alone when they’re playing outside, because mistakes happen and you don’t want your fur baby to bear it 🙂 Always keep a close eye on them!
Continue Reading And Watch The Video Of Polo The Labrador Here!
Take a look at this super cute pup and his curiosity and don’t forget to Like and Share this post with your friends 🙂
Feature Image Source: Prayash
Also, Adorable Labrador Mix Sees A Sleeping Baby, See What He Does Next!