Professional Soccer Players Come Up With An Amazing Way To Help Shelter Dogs Get Adopted

Professional Soccer Players Come Up With An Amazing Way To Help Shelter Dogs Get Adopted

Soccer is one of the most beloved sports on the planet. But most people only view it as a source of entertainment. But soccer players, and many other athletes, can be very important to spread awareness about certain topics.

This was the case with the Zenit soccer team, who decided they want to raise awareness for shelters and adoption.

Most celebrities would have probably settled for making a few videos and posting them online. But these players took it a step further. They teamed up with some local shelters and asked them to lend them some dogs who are looking for homes. At the start of the game, the players stepped onto the field carrying the puppies.

The dogs were of all sizes and ages, some were a little confused by what was going on, but they were all really excited to get some cuddles. Some dogs were fluffy, some had short fur, some were wiggling their tails in excitement, but they were all happy to be helped by the soccer players.

After all, they probably don’t get to hang out with too many people, other than the volunteers. The players were obviously having a blast showing off all the adorable dogs.

With so many people being present at that game, at least a few of them are bound to take interest in adopting a dog. And, this stunt was also transmitted on live TV, and posted on social media. So, there was probably no better way in which they could have promoted adoption.

Image Credit: Instagram

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