This Pup Is Fast Asleep Then Suddenly He Starts Twitching!

This Pup Is Fast Asleep Then Suddenly He Starts Twitching!

How do you sleep? Are you a light sleeper who wakes up at the slightest sound, or can you sleep through a natural disaster without even stirring?

Perhaps you snore, mumble, or grind your teeth when you’re asleep. Whatever you look like asleep, we can all agree that it’s pretty embarrassing when someone films you napping! Then why is it so adorable when Bear, a beagle and labrador mix, is fast asleep? He snores and twitches a little as he dozes off, maybe dreaming of chasing squirrels in a forest or playing fetch in a wide, open field.

It’s sure to make you smile to see hear his little snores! I definitely didn’t think snoring was something that could be adorable until this happened! Do your pups have funny sleeping habits? What do you reckon they dream about? As we ponder these mysteries, do like and share this video with your friends!

Feature Image Source: ericak2011

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