Research Concludes That Baby Talk Is Actually Good For Your Dogs!

Research Concludes That Baby Talk Is Actually Good For Your Dogs!

Do you baby talk to your dog? It can feel silly, but it’s fun to do – and, according to research, it’s good for them! Here’s why.

According to research conducted by the University of York, dog-directed speech – basically the very high-pitched, excited voice you probably use when praising your dog – can allow dogs to be excited, too. This is especially true when the speech is paired with familiar phrases, like “treat” and “walk”.

This study found people to use a variety of different phrases and tones on both puppies and adult dogs. The findings indicate that the baby-talk style of speaking is actually amazing for boosting the development of a bond between you and your dog.

Baby talk may also help dogs to receive praise or rewards from this. Their attention span is boosted, they have good experiences with baby talk most of the time and have even learned to recognize certain phrases or words and their meanings gleaned from body language and tone. This also allows a dog to be conditioned to be ready to accept treats or snacks when spoken to in that tone.

Basically, the next time you feel like baby-talking with your dog, go ahead and do it! It will probably help them in the long run, and it will make you closer together.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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