A lot of pups enjoy treats that are a bit out of the ordinary. Some enjoy fruit, some like vegetables, and others enjoy ice cream.
This labrador retriever falls into the veg-loving category! His favorite snack is green beans. So when Mommy gives him a couple, he’s just so happy and can’t wait to eat them all! Using his paws to hold down his meal, this pup laps up all the delicious bits of the bean. He’s very thorough and makes sure not one bit is left behind. It’s clear that this pup loves his greens!
Who knew that this could be a favorite treat? After all the beans are eaten up, the fur ball stands up and seems to look around, as though hoping for more. Maybe next time, there will be more green treats waiting for this pup! Do give this a like and share away with your friends if you enjoyed it!
Feature Image Source: SmellsLikeAniseed