Do you love golden retriever pups? Well then, you’re in for a treat, because this video features one such pup and he’s definitely going to put a smile on your face!
His name is Jolly Roger, and he’s a naturally talented swimmer. Check out his cool moves here – you’re sure to be impressed! This pup’s dummy toy is all the way out in Lake Michigan, but that’s not going to stop him from getting it back! After grabbing it, he body surfs his way back to shore in the most skillful way possible. This pup right here is a champ!
He has no trouble at all getting back onto shore after navigating the waves. Wow! What a good boy! Back on shore and satisfied with his success, this pup shakes himself off. Maybe he’s already ready for another round. He makes me want to join in and swim with him! If you think so too, then do like and share away!
Feature Image Source: Bob Scriver