When a 14-year-old Labrador pup was surrendered to Dallas Animal Services just after Thanksgiving, staff were shocked when the pup’s former parent asked for her to be euthanized.
The little pup was in bad shape. She had a mere two teeth, could barely walk, had heartworms, and was very, very thin. Not wanting her to be put down without getting a second chance, staff and volunteers shared her story and a picture of her on Facebook. Her frightened, confused expression was touching hearts everywhere.
Dallas Animal Services
Then Tommy Bull, who hails from Crowley in Texas, found out about the pup’s plight. He was absolutely horrified to see how sad and defeated she looked, and how there was such a low chance that she could be saved.
Dallas Animal Services
He decided to reach out to the rescue and make arrangements to pick her up and home her temporarily. When he arrived, the pup had to be carried out because of how shaky she was. Bull immediately wrapped her in a hug. For him, it was love at first sight.
Facebook/Mysti Boehler
Bull brought the pup, who he and his wife named Henrietta and call Ettie for short, into his car. Ettie and Bull’s wife immediately became friends when they met, and Ettie had no trouble fitting in with the home’s other pups.
Cindy Bull
It didn’t take long for Ettie’s health to improve. She ate canned food packed with nutrients and easy to eat, slowly putting on weight. She started receiving heartworm treatment and taking medication for her arthritis.
Cindy Bull
Within a short span of time, Ettie was up and wandering around. She explores her backyard and now loves going out on walks with the other dogs. She can’t wait to go out, so whenever Bull holds out her leash, she rushes right up to him.
Cindy Bull
And now, Bull and his wife couldn’t let her go – so they adopted her. Ettie now has a forever home – the perfect holiday gift.
Feature Image Source: Dallas Animal Services