Cheri Radlick’s son, Jordan, has been bullied for a lot of his life. The seventh grader, aged 12, has alopecia, a condition which means he has no eyelashes, eyebrows, or hair at all.
Things were fine in elementary school. He had friends and was active in school. But when he got to middle school, he started to get bullied. One day, a student snatched his hat off his head and flung it away.
This incident caused a huge behavioral change in Jordan. He became closed off, hated being around people, and refused to leave the house. He holed up in his bedroom, going from a giggly and eager child to one frightened and depressed.
Jordan had to be taken out of his school, and he began studying at an online school instead. Radlick took him to therapy and did everything she could to help her son. Then a doctor suggested that the Waterford residents get a pet.
Radlick reached out to Paws For Life’s executive director in Troy, Courtney Protz-Sanders. Protz-Sanders recommended a Labrador and Australian shepherd mix pup named Fred. The pup had suffered being crated for days on end, and he had medical problems as well as a skin condition and overly long, curling nails. Fred had been neglected for most his life, and he was eager for a home.
The moment Jordan and Fred met, there was an instant bond. They immediately set out to help each other heal. Jordan would help Fred with his leg exercises and nursing him back to health, and Fred has slowly opened Jordan up to living life once more.
Now 4 years old, Fred goes everywhere with Jordan. They love playing fetch, and Fred is considering joining a golf league. He never had to take antidepressants at such a young age, all thanks to Fred. Radlick truly believes that the pair saved each other’s lives.
Feature Image Source: Cheri Radlick, Petco Foundation