Signs And Symptoms Of Rabies In Dogs (Part 2)

Signs And Symptoms Of Rabies In Dogs (Part 2)

In our last article, we talked about rabies in dogs, how it is transmitted, and how it can be prevented. Now, here’s how to notice symptoms of rabies in dogs.

Rabies appears in three stages, but some dogs may skip certain symptoms and stages.

Stage 1: Initial Stage

This is the stage where minute symptoms are beginning to show. They are:

  1. Licking. If a dog has been bitten, they may start to sniff at, lick, scratch, or bite at the area. This is a sign of infection.
  2. Restlessness. Dogs with rabies often develop paranoia and may become jumpy or anxious easily.
  3. Aggression. A common rabies symptom, some dogs will become aggressive once the virus has reached their nervous systems.
  4. Withdrawal. Some dogs become very shy or sad when they are first infected. They may hide from others or act upset.

Stage 2: Advanced Stage

At this stage, rabies has reached the brain of the dog and may also affect their spine. Symptoms are:

  1. Lack of Fear. A dog will become very aggressive, often to the point of that aggression overriding other behavioral traits, including fear and anxiety.
  2. Dilated Pupils. Rabid dogs often have blown-out pupils, accompanied by disorientation.
  3. Fury. A dog with rabies will often act insane and constantly curious, barking and attacking strangers and people they no longer recognize.
  4. Seizures. Rabies affects a dog’s muscles, leading to seizure, shaking, and trembling.

Stage 3: Final Stage

This phase only lasts a few days and will eventually lead to death. Symptoms are:

  1. Paralysis. A dog will lose their ability to walk and become paralyzed, often around their throat and mouth as well as muscles. This paralysis will spread.
  2. Salivating. A dog cannot close their mouth when in this stage, leading to a foaming salivation.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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