This Smart Pup Is Here To Teach You A Bit About Authority And Management!

This Smart Pup Is Here To Teach You A Bit About Authority And Management!

Did you know that pups can teach us lots of lessons about official things like management? Well, apparently, that’s something that can happen!

Isis (pronounced Ee-sis) the German shepherd and her Daddy are out playing fetch in order to teach viewers about authority! Like many pups, Isis is playful and naughty, and she’s a bit selective about when she listens exactly to Daddy’s commands. Sometimes, she doesn’t listen to certain orders, and she never wants to give the ball up to Daddy when it’s needed. According to her Daddy, she likes to play the game on her own terms, being the sassy and spunky fur ball that she is!

But these situations can happen in real life, with people. Isis and her Daddy proceed to explain to their audience how using authority can be a great help in avoiding similar hassles and troubles in management. Truly a good lesson to learn! Like and share away, people!

Feature Image Source: Espaço Visão

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