As Soon As The Music Starts Playing, This Hyper-Active Pup Starts Dancing!

As Soon As The Music Starts Playing, This Hyper-Active Pup Starts Dancing!

Remember the viral music video for “Turn Down For What”? The over-the-top, explosive dancing that was featured in it has certainly inspired Gerald the English bulldog pup!

When this song comes on, he just can’t stop himself from dancing just as enthusiastically to the infectious beat. Check it out! This fur ball tosses his head back and forth while shaking his little hips as he dances to the beat. He’s really going at it, and he almost looks as crazy as the guy in the music video! The pup’s got some pretty sweet moves.

He’d be killing it on any dance floor! He just can’t help himself; this beat is insane and it’s his time to shine! This adorable pup’s dancing antics are sure to make you laugh. He’s the kind of fur ball that can put a smile on anyone’s face! Doesn’t he just make you feel like dancing? If so, give this a like and share away!

Feature Image Source: gerald_bulldog

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