Stray Dog Breaks Into A Rescue And Gets Adopted!

Stray Dog Breaks Into A Rescue And Gets Adopted!

The Isle of Misfits Farm Sanctuary is a rescue for animals with special needs run by Paige Graham. She spends her days caring for 20 animals with a variety of disabilities and special needs, so her hands are pretty full.

However, this doesn’t negate the size of her heart. Seeing that she had a lot on her plate, she wasn’t looking to take in any more rescues however, one dog came to her.

One morning, Graham’s mother was on the farm’s screened porch when she noticed that the screen on the door had been ripped out. Puzzled with her finding, she inspected the area until she was led to a dog resting on the porch. It seemed as though the dog was looking for help but wasn’t so sure on how to get it and ended up breaking into the rescue.

When he saw Graham’s mother, he got scared and ran away, only to return later when she was out on the porch with her own dogs. The dog, who was later named Randy, was hard to understand at first. Graham’s mother couldn’t tell if he was friendly or if he would pose a threat to the disabled dogs on the farm. Luckily, Randy proved himself to be a pleasant dog to be around.

As soon as Graham put a leash on him, she was amazed at his demeanor; he didn’t bark nor did he seem to understand the affection he was given. However, he would press his body against Graham when she would pet him. Despite being a little nervous in the beginning, Rocky knew that he was in the right place.

Not long after, Graham realized that she recognized Randy, as he would often run around near the farm. She thought he had a parent because she saw him with a collar on before, but after going door to door with him and putting up posters, it was apparent that no one was coming to get him. Graham then decided to get Randy’s health in check while she looked for a home for him.

Poor Randy was covered in fleas and had injuries that needed to be addressed. After he got the care he needed, Graham still didn’t have a home for him, but fortunately, she found a foster mom who was willing to take Randy in. Although their time together was meant to be temporary, his foster mom ended up adopting him.

Image Credit: Paige Graham

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