Super Cute Golden Retriever Shows The Fluffy Cat What It's Like To Be...A Cat?!

Super Cute Golden Retriever Shows The Fluffy Cat What It's Like To Be...A Cat?!

This adorable golden retriever pup has realized that if he doesn’t show the fluffy cat what it’s like to be a cat, she will never learn! At least now she’ll stop bopping his head!

From the looks of this video, there’s some evidence that the cat always comes to this golden retriever, who may be sleeping, and bops hims on his head to frighten him or wake him up!

That’s probably the reason why this golden retriever decided to show the cat what bopping feels like! Watch this hilarious video on page 2 below!

Page 2 Here!

Take a look at this super cute fur ball teaching his friend, the cat, some real life lessons! Don’t forget to like and share this hilarious post with your friends 🙂

Feature Image Source: Inuyasha

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