Super Cute Labrador Joins His Brother As The...Lead Singer?!

Super Cute Labrador Joins His Brother As The...Lead Singer?!

This super cute and extra fluffy Labrador pup knows that if there’s one thing that goes along well with music, it’s singing and since his brother’s playing the musical instrument, he must be the singer!

This super cute fur ball decided that if his brother is playing the musical instrument, he was going to be the lead singer because after all, what good is music without lyrics right?

Now while we’re not sure what this fur ball is singing, it’s quite familiar and i’m sure most of you would have heard it at least a thousand times a day! Take a look at this cute video of page 2 below!

Page 2 Here!

Take a look at this super hyper fur ball leading the music by singing the song of his tribe! Don’t forget to like and share this post with your friends!

Feature Image Source: joon kim

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